Mountain Info
Saskadena Six is a place where generosity of spirit extends to all, and where curiosity comes to play.
2 Lifts. 28 Trails. 60% snowmaking. 89 years of history to call your own.

Our Manifesto
The story of Saskadena Six is the story of a mountain where people experience connection.
A connection to nature, to others, and even to those parts of themselves they didn't know existed, or had long since lost touch with. It is the story of a young child learning wedge turns under the watchful eye of her grandfather, and that of the child’s parent, skiing alongside, knowing already that the memory of this moment will forever open a floodgate of emotion and gratitude. It is the story of a woman discovering mountain biking in midlife, and her surprised delight not merely at how much fun it is, but at how strong and capable it makes her feel, and how much she wants to share this experience with others. It is the story of guests who return time and again, in part for the thrills and the challenge, yes, but in greater part because at Saskadena Six, they experience something that transcends the physical: A sense of belonging, and with it, a deeper understanding of who they are and of their place in this complicated and occasionally confusing world.

Our Commitment to Sustainability
We are proud to have a sustainability initiative in place which continues to grow year after year with additions of new technology and revitalization of previously used materials.
Saskadena Six Ski Area at the Woodstock Inn & Resort invested $400,000 to upgrade its snowmaking infrastructure for the 2018/2019 season with the installation of 10 new TechnoAlpin snow producers. For the first time, snow production on “The Face,” the mountain’s signature trail, and the ski and snowboard learning center, was fully automated. The snow guns replaced by the new technology have been reallocated to other areas of the mountain to phase out aged snow guns and ultimately create higher quality snow and shorter production times across the ski area’s 28 trails.
Each new snow producer is equipped with state-of-the-art weather monitoring capabilities to provide both instant and historical data such as wind speed and direction, relative humidity, ambient temperature, and wet-bulb temperature. The upgraded equipment also enables the Saskadena Six Ski area team to monitor and predict the weather at multiple elevations.
The 10 new snow guns include seven T40s, six strategically placed along the trail’s edge from top to bottom mounted on an adjustable 15-foot tower and one placed at the top of Pearson’s Path for 360 degrees of snow coverage to the ski and snowboarding learning center. One larger TF-10 model is mounted on a 30-foot articulating arm placed at a major trail intersection on the steepest pitch of the slope; with two automated V3 lance guns mounted on 30-foot towers that will produce snow on the narrow roadway leading into The Face’s descent.

Let's Stay in Contact
Toll free: 888.338.2745
Local: 802.457.6661
Saskadena Six: S6Info@woodstockinn.com
Address: 247 Stage Rd, South Pomfret, Vermont, 05067
Formerly Suicide Six Ski Area
Saskadena Six is located near the town of Woodstock, Vermont. Centrally located near I-89 and I-91 and within easy driving distance from Boston, New York, and Montreal.